Something that interesting

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The printer back to normal


I took about 2-3 hours to figure out what exactly the problem to my false paper jam error. Then I borrow tools from my friend to dismantle all the component into pieces. With a little knowledge about printer, so I took a risk because I already fed up with the false paper jam error.

Before I unscrew the printer cover, I look at any possibilities a hidden screw so that I don't make damage on the printer. After that I open the cover then the component inside. I just follow my instinct when open it. I try my best to dismantle the component and remember every screw for each holes.

After dismantle into pieces, I found something that really attract my attention. Something like a switch or a sensor (something like that) that detect a paper was lift down. Which I suspect the main problem to false paper jam.

Before I put the component back together, a look through all the component to see if there another (alien) that make my printer detect a paper jam again. Then I screw back all the component and put the printer back.

Then I try put the power supply cable and the USB cable. Thank god everything back to normal. Haha... I finish doing the investigation at 4.05 am. The printer can be use again as usual. If the problem still exist just now, I'm thinking of buying a new printer. That is why I'm dare to dismantle the printer just now. But so far so good so I don't have to buy a new printer.


Tengku Aziah said...

waa!! pndai die godek printer tu

Lonelytribe85 said...

tengku... aku dh takda pilihan dah... Tention aku dibuatnya... By the way tuh dh printer ke-2 aku n masalah yang sama lg tuh... Lgpun aku mmg cadang nak beli baru kalau lepas aku buka lalu rosak terus... Hehe... "Belum cuba belum tau"... Dh cuba lalulah elok balik... hehe

Anonymous said...

betul. never try never know. hahaha. :)

Lonelytribe85 said...

Betul mybreakfastclub... Bila lagi kan nak tgk kita sebagai budak instructional...aceh... wakakaka

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