Something that interesting

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Influenza A (H1N1)


After a while silent from the Influenza A H1N1 report, today 2 victims was conform the cause of death is because of Influenza A H1N1.

The first victim was admitted in Tambunan Hospital on 17th of August. She had fever, cough and flu for 3 days. On the same day, she sent to the Keningau Hospital and admitted into the ICU for antiviral treatment. But unfortunately, on the 26th of August, A 45 year’s old lady died because of serious pneumonia. Her death report had been sent to the ministry on the 10th of September to conform her death whether it is because of Influenza A H1N1. She was reported to have severe bronchopneumonia with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

The second victim is a teenage girl aged 19 from Bentong, Pahang and she was admitted to the Bentong Hospital on 30th of August. She had cough for 5 days and fever for 1 day. She also was be given the antiviral treatment on the same day she was admitted to the hospital. On the 31th of August, she was admitted to the ICU in Kuala Lumpur Hospital after she suffered hard breathing. Then the next day, 1st of September she died because of severe pneumonia with H1N1 infection. The conformation report release on 3rd of September. Her death was reported to the ministry on 10 September.
More news on today report at

Death: 2
Total Death: 76

New Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) patient: 156
Discharge: 189
Still remaining: 881 (141 conform infected by H1N1 virus)

From 141:
- 37 in ICU (4 new patient and 4 are already discharge from ICU
-- from 37 in ICU, 28 are in high risk factor

High risk factor:
---Chronic: 9
---Respiration chronic: 3
---Obesity: 6
---Child/Baby: 8
---post-natal/pregnant: 2
---Heart problem: 0
---Kidney Failure: 0
---Asthma: 0
---Low body immunity: 0
Total: 28

Global (WHO 30 August 2009)
Total Death: 2,958
Total Influenza A (H1N1): 246,221
Number of country infected: 182

Visit the Ministry of Health Department website for more information about Influenza A H1N1 at


Anonymous said...

mlm marek ku ngr brita tb3..ada g mati koh...bla lah mok stop virus h1n1 tok..hmm

Lonelytribe85 said...

Yalah marek aku pun terkejut baca brita ya... Lalulah molah liputan hehehe... Aku fokus kat kes nok ada mati jak... Mun kwu baca nang banyak kesalahan ayat sia. Hehehe... malas maok baiki eh... biar jak janji org paham... Broken english maa...

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