Yesterday my problem printer already replace by the new one. I install it into my laptop to test it to print some document and it work. Nothing happen. The test print can be printed out. Then I turn the power off.
But then when I turn on the printer, suddenly the printer behaves like my printer before. Then the same problem again which is the paper jam. I don't know what the real problem is. How could be a new printer which no paper is inside can be detect as a paper jam again...
So I tried to uninstall the driver and install it again hopping that the printer can be normal again. But still i got the paper jam message. huhu... I don't know what to do now. Maybe it's time to change a new printer. Hope that when I change to new printer I don't get the same problem.
So I suspect my printer attack by the virus. So I search in the internet if the printer also can be infected by the virus. Please send me the article if there any possible a printer can be infected by the virus to conform my statement above. huhu...
Then I was attracted with one statement that I got from in printer mechanical problem stated that "I don't think the printer's hard drive can be infected but I suppose that anything is possible. I would try running a anti-virus software and see if you can remove it from the printer's drive otherwise you will have to replace the hard drive in the printer."
This is another link that talks about suspected printer attack by the virus.
Is anyone can conform the statement above and help me to solve my false paper jam problem?
My printer specification
Brand: HP
Model: Deskjet D2560
Problem: Printer starts not working because the printer detects paper jam although no paper inside. Until now I can't used the printer even though the HP already replace the new one yesterday.
Laptop specification
OS: Windows XP SP2 Professional
Antivirus: Avira
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