
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Messive Changers

Hello readers,

Today I'm finally change the OS (Operating System) of my laptop from Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 to Ubuntu Linux 9.04. I'm quite surprise with the interface, effect and so on... So to me that Ubuntu is batter than Windows XP2.

Based on my 2 days explore the Ubuntu, I found that the user-friendly is the issue here... Yeah you know, Before this I only used Windows OS from Microsoft as the OS for my machine. So... I need more time to adept the new OS...

First of all I want to say "Welcome Ubuntu 9.04 and goodbye Windows XP2. So in the meantime while waiting for 3rd of November and 9th of November (my final exam paper), I can explore the Ubuntu system. By the way, I kind of a guy who like to explore something that new to me.

For your information, I can say that Ubuntu is batter than Windows. I said this because that:
- 1st, the time for the System loading is short
- 2nd, fast loading
- 3rd, the effect is SUPERB!
- 4th, simple (based on the interface)
- 5th, I'm speechless

But as a beginner user like me need time to adopt the new system... Beside that I also need to used with the software for this Ubuntu. A little bit different. Well everything is free...

So last but not least, I hope that one day I can used this Ubuntu like a pro... hehehe...

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