
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hang out at McD

My second day of Hari Raya is at McD Seksyen 2. I hang out with my girlfriend and have a real nice meal which I can say that we actually have a dinner there because it almost sunset. Hehe...

2 set of Mc Chicken large is for the menu... RM20.35 is the bill. We spent almost one hour or more (which I don't remember how long we been at the McD) and we spent every minute eat the meal and have a nice free internet surfing.

The traffic for the second day of Hari Raya is almost like the first day. Calm, no worries of getting caught in the traffic jam and no stress at all where you can actually dancing on the road without worrying to be hit by the vehicle... hehe just kidding... Hemm... that's all story that I share for today... My eyes can't stand anymore... Goodnight all and Selamat Hari Raya to my Muslim's friends.


  1., xlik swk ka??pe daa...jom lepak ptg ni kul 2 ptg...ak, anne, ayu da sekali ni...jom la...pe2 hal sms ak...0194588373 @ 0129761456....sms before 2 pm ok..nnt kita kua lepak tgk muvee ker...hik3...

    btw, selamat hari raya aidilfitri..maaf zahir n batin..sori la klu terusik ko lebih2...hehehehe

  2. Rafiq, kalau dikira2x tambang kapal terbang pergi balik utk cuti 1 minggu mmg tak berbaloi... Mahal tuuu... Baik gune untuk g melancong... kwang2x... Adoi... letak fon no la pulak...

    PERHATIAN: Adalah diingatkan supaya tidak meletak dan menayangkan no2x peribadi bagi mengelakkan sesuatu yang tidak diingini...

  3. Bunga Parujan, I tak ngade2 tau, mungkin u yang pk I ni ngade2x wahal mungkin ayat 2 jer yg berbunyi mcm ngade2... hehe...


  4. cehhhhh ngade2...x yah la citer psl awek....ckt2 awek je.. bweekkk:P war...hehekkk

  5. waseh x lama lagi ada majlis khas d rmh kwn ni..hehehe

  6. Hehehe...mybreakfastclub... Harap2x menjadilah...


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