
Friday, July 24, 2009

Why so Racist?

Today in Borneo Post Online, I was shock with some of the statement that being given by the Pas president to the Dayak community in Sarawak.

"Semua pilihanraya kecil sebelum ini keputusannya memihak kepada kita. Cuma di Batang Ai sahaja kita kalah sebab mereka ini tidak reti undi, pakai cawat lagi. Saya bukan nak hina tetapi tempat yang pakai molek,undi PAS," katanya." -MalaysiaKini-

The statement above has make Dato Sri Dr James Masing who is the president of Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) upset and angry. Maybe to the PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awan, that statement sounds like it an ordinary statement but to Sarawakian it is very sensitive. Please, be respect with each other.

After all, it is very upset to hear it and not keep the sensitivity issue of other races in Malaysia.

You can read it yourself from the link below (if it still available):
Borneo Post

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